Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where I Started

I have struggled with weight my entire life. I always seemed to hold onto an extra 30 pounds more than other kids my age. I was always "big boned". The truth is, I ate like crap and didn't have a fantastic metabolism. I hated wearing a bathing suit, and never got to buy the cute clothes. I didn't have a terrible childhood or adolescence - I never really dwelled on the fact that I was overweight - it was just something I was. In high school (amongst all of the pressures of teenagers and boys and parties), I started taking Metabolife (remember when Ephedra was COOL?) and dropped close to 50 pounds. Needless to say, as soon as I graduated and started college (eating garbage and drinking 4x/week) I gained it all back. About two years ago (and 4 years after graduation), I decided to buck up. Enough was enough! I started weight watchers online and also started running (slooooow at first, but running nonetheless). I got some pretty good results from following the program – I lost 20lbs doing WW online, and then started going to meetings in the fall of last year and lost another 10lbs. I was following my points, the good health guidelines, and running at least 3 miles every day. At this point, I wasn’t going to the gym much other than do to go spinning class 2-3x/week. I hit a plateau with WW, and decided like I needed something to shake it up. One morning I was watching TV and the p90x infomercial came on. Even though it was a Sunday morning at 6 am (I couldn’t sleep!), I was SO energized and excited what I was seeing that I decided to give it a try. I started p90x on November 21, 2008, and completed the program twice. It’s a 90 day program, and when I finished it the first time, I really wanted to do it again. With p90x, I lost 8 pounds, but I went from a size 12 to a size 4. It’s amazing. I have learned so much with p90x and am so grateful for it! I am in the best shape of my life and I'm nowhere near stopping.

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